Ipso Facto
Dutch publisher

Chasing Amsterdam
Julie Hrudová
For the section 'Stadsbeeld' in the Parool, Julie Hrudová has been shooting a street photograph in Amsterdam every week since January 2020. Like a sniper she moves through public life in the city. With one push of the button she manages to elevate seemingly normal situations to absurdistic spectacles. The result is a series which holds up a mirror to us and at the same time gives a subtle report on Amsterdam in Corona time. Chasing Amsterdam contains the photographs that Julie made for Het Parool, in addition the reader is given an insight into Julie's weekly hunt for the cityscape through reports and extra visual material. The photo book provides a unique look at Amsterdam and our lives in a new reality.
"For more than a year I’ve been roaming the streets of Amsterdam looking for unusual moments. As a photographer I’m attracted to situations that surprise or touch me in a certain way. But in March 2020, everything changed. The Covid-19 virus hit Europe and the city became quiet, which in turn presented even more absurd scenes for my camera. What wasn’t allowed to take place indoors was now happening outdoors, like sports and culture. The city became a playground. I kept taking my weekly photos and even though the series doesn’t primarily focus on the pandemic in Amsterdam, it provides a subtle view of the city in this extraordinary period."
Chasing Amsterdam
Julie Hrudová
Chasing Amsterdam
ISBN: 978-90-77386-25-5
290 x 215 mm
152 pages
Foreword by Stefano Keizers
Design: Sabine Verschueren
language: English/Dutch
Translation: Cecily Layzell
Lithography & Printing: Wilco Art Books
Prijs: € 34,95